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In het boek 'Inspiratie' van Wayne W. Dyer las ik de volgende tekst, geschreven door: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832).
Wanneer we alle stadia van ons leven bekijken, zien we dat we van de eerste tot de laatste ademtocht door omstandigheden worden gedwongen. En toch bezitten we nog altijd de grootste van alle vrijheden, het vermogen om ons innerlijke Zelf te ontwikkelen in harmonie met de morele orde van het Universum (het Al), zodat we, ondanks alle tegenslagen, gemoedsrust vinden.
Het is gemakkelijk om dit te zeggen en te schrijven, maar het blijft altijd een taak waar wij ons iedere dag opnieuw mee bezig houden. Elke ochtend opnieuw zijn we ons bewust dat we met volle overtuiging aan een nieuwe dag met nieuwe mogelijkheden beginnen en dat we een goed vertrouwen hebben in wat er moge gebeuren.
Deze tekst verwoordt voor mij de rode draad die mijn leven zinvol en gelukkig maakt en mij inspireert om te zijn wie ik ben. Het verbaast me ieder dag weer opnieuw hoe waar deze tekst is en hoeveel sterkte en rust ik kan vinden doordat dit een wezenlijk onderdeel is geworden van mij Zelf.
I wanted to start with these quotes, There are hundreds I could of used but I think these provided a good start for where were going. A physical body at birth, a dormant spirit within. When you light the spark, magnificent you become. Magnificent things begin to happen. A world you've never dreamed of exist beyond what we live each day. What would be thought of as miracles can and will occur daily "in-spirit." Not really miracles at all but just your life as it should be IN -SPIRIT
Choosing the right path in your life
by Reverend Mike Mcdonald
Living In Spirit
"A physical body was given him (man) by nature at birth. Somewhere exists the original spark launched from God and which, re-found, will be his conscious spirit." Rodney Collin
From "The Theory of Conscious Harmony"
Patanjali said " When you are inspired (in spirit)....... Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive., and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be."
I wanted to start with these quotes, There are hundreds I could of used but I think these provided a good start for where were going. A physical body at birth, a dormant spirit within. When you light the spark, magnificent you become. Magnificent things begin to happen. A world you've never dreamed of exist beyond what we live each day. What would be thought of as miracles can and will occur daily "in-spirit." Not really miracles at all but just your life as it should be IN -SPIRIT
Each and every day we must re-teach ourselves to live in the Devine state of spirit so that we too can be a part of these "miracles." Through conscious spirit the Devine can be us and work through us.
We talk about our spirit guides leading us or our attempt to hear there directions. WE CAN'T IF WERE NOT IN-SPIRIT. If we allow the EGO to guide us then how can we claim to be in-spirit.
One of our principles "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." I've never asked for some one to belittle me, I've never asked for some one to treat me poorly, I've never asked for someone to laugh at me or hate me or speak badly of me, to gossip about me. Have you?
Living in spirit means to send nothing but love out too all thoughs who walk in the spirit along side you. That means every person, place or thing you see, hear. We are all of one spirit and we all are love. Do unto others. How would you treat yourself?
As I said, if we can learn to live in spirit then the world of possibilities become like daily miracles. The spirit is always there waiting for you to ask. Waiting for you to show that you are doing what you can to live that spirit life we are meant to live.
I realize we do carry around this human shell and all the walls that ego has put up for us. That is why we need to begin our day, end our day, and throughout our day, take time to return to the spirit and give thanks, ask for guidance and allow our ego to take a back seat to the spirit. Remember that you are not, you alone. I is the ego alone. I AM is the spirit within you.
Living in spirit is your true nature. Living as you were meant too, is living in spirit.
Living in spirit is your true nature. Living as you were meant too, is living in spirit.
'Het verbaast me' is met een 't', niet met een 'd'. Verder ben ik het helemaal met je eens. Inspirered!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDe tekst bovenaan is uit het boek: Inspiratie van Wayne Dyer. De tekst daaronder is van mijzelf.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDe foto is van mijzelf (www.silenttouch.net).
De portretfoto's komen van internet.